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PERU XPERTS «Registered Travel and Tourism Agency.»

Dear friends, In the context of the actions being carried out to boost tourism in our country, and with the aim of identifying the official operators who comply with all the regulations set by the Peruvian government and the implementation of health safety protocols, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has granted PERU XPERTS the recognition "Registered Travel and Tourism Agency." This recognition can only be used by…

Tours to Machu Picchu

Visiting Machu Picchu is undoubtedly the dream of all Peruvians and foreigners who come to Cusco on vacation. There are several tours to know the ancient treasure of the Inca Empire. You can visit the Sacred Valley, adventure sports on the way, trekking through the snowy Salkantay, touring the Lares valley, doing the traditional Inca Trail or visiting coffee fields in the jungle of the Cusco region. Tours options: Lares…

¿Qué deportes de aventura se pueden practicar en Cusco?

A continuación, una lista con los 10 mejores deportes de aventura que se pueden hacer en Cusco y todos los detalles para saber dónde practicarlos y cómo contratar este tipo de actividades. Cabe destacar que la mayoría de estos deportes se practican en el Valle Sagrado y en la región de Cusco, no tanto así en la ciudad. Pero se puede llegar muy rápidamente y a bajo costo a cualquiera…


On the fourth Sunday of July a Peruvian drink is honored throughout the country. This is the pisco, since 1999 through Ministerial Resolution No. 055-99-ITINCI / DM instituted this date in order to assess this drink that is Cultural Heritage of the Nation. Pisco is made with selected grape varieties, called "pisco grapes" that are crops in the region of Peru, such as: Lima, Ica (Pisco, Chincha and Ica), Arequipa,…


La fortaleza de Kuélap es un importante sitio arqueológico preincaico, a menudo llamado "el segundo Machu Picchu", fue elegido como el tercer destino más recomendado para visitar en 2018 por el periódico estadounidense The Wall Street Journal. Ubicada en el departamento de Amazonas, provincia de Luya, a 72 kilómetros de Chachapoyas. Kuelap es una gran ciudadela amurallada de 19 metros de altura, su construcción es remota desde 800 dc hasta…


South of Lima we find a sea paradise, with diverse rock formations, crystal clear water and abundant marine life. Located in San Juan de Marcona, Province of Nasca Department of Ica, there is a group of beaches that will leave us amazed by a large number of stone figures that have originated at the whim of nature, where the famous Elephant of Marcona stands out and others such as the…

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